Some of you may have missed the tweets and Facebook posts over the last several days, but I noticed lots of friends mentioning Food Check Out Week or tagging things with #FCOW. I wasn’t really sure what it was so I was interested when my friend Cyndie posted the proclamation by Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. Now I know a… Read More
“Friendly” Competition that Yields Results for the Community
After talking to Ray Prock and Jeff Fowle for months through twitter, I finally met the dairyman and rancher in January and it surprised all of us as we seemed to be dear friends for years. The two of them put such incredible time and thought into growing their communities on twitter still that it leaves me in awe. But it also makes me laugh. … Read More
Top 10 Reasons to Watch This Video of Bboy Climbing a Coconut Tree
[youtube=] Okay, I could just say everyone should watch this video! And yes, the photo I put in here shows Bboy having cut a coconut and beginning his one-handed descent! Unbelievable. Really. But for fun, you really need to watch this video if you see yourself in any of the following: You’ve ever wondered how interesting it would be to… Read More
Sorry, This Will Likely Make You Jealous If You Aren’t at #AFBF10
This is going to be a really crummy video but hey, I’m having too much fun to sit here and write much! I got to Seattle yesterday and after a little sightseeing & recharge time on the heels of the Beltwide, I have hit the ground at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s annual convention! I guess you could say I… Read More
The 2009 Blizzard Through the Tweets of Two Farmers
As the calendar clicked over to Christmas, I posted a blog entry on some of my thoughts about staying home for the holiday. Staying home was like a dream because I travel a lot and while I LOVE travel, the change of pace sounded like a fantastic idea. I took time to point out that a few farmer friends would… Read More
Staying Home for the Holidays
I’m lucky enough to have multiple choice at the holidays usually. The benefit of being single. All the moms & kids seem to be driver. I’m usually with family in one place or another although I sometimes also squeeze in vacation fun. This year the decision was to stay put. I love traveling to see my sister and her family… Read More