My little sister lives a zip code or two away. She teaches elementary school and last year she decided to plant a garden. She studied up, decided what she needed to do to make a small strip of soil work for her. When she told me she was putting in a vegetable garden, I wondered how and where. She lives… Read More
Opening day is finally here!
I’m not talking about a hunting or sports season, but it is something a lot of people look forward to — the opening of the Memphis Farmers Market downtown! I’ve missed the opening event but I’ve seen updates of lots of folks who went. And it doesn’t look like they missed me as there was a crowd and the Facebook… Read More
Weather takes a swipe at my burger? Oh wait, farmers took the real hit
One of the things folks in agriculture can’t spend enough time talking about is the weather. Good or bad, there is always something to say about it. And with all the technology there is today — 24 hour weather channels, mobile weather updates, etc. its easy to stay up to date. So you may think folks know what’s happening.
Thinking About Pit Bulls & Living in Memphis
This week, I stumbled upon a simple tweet from one of the folks I’ve chatted with about all things Southern, especially his former hometown of New Orleans. And with NOLA means we’ve talked food. On Wednesday I saw this short tweet pop up: #AKC: Memphis City Council to Require all Pit bulls be Sterilized #agchat #dogs 6:30 AM Jan… Read More
Every Winter Presents Challenges on the Farm
The blog I posted doing a roundup of what Mark and Debbie’s farms were like through the holidays as they cared for livestock caught the eye of my friend Elaine Shein. Elaine & I met through the American Agricultural Editors Association. She’s originally from Saskatchewan and knows a bit about blizzards and the daily dedication farmers put to work in… Read More
The 2009 Blizzard Through the Tweets of Two Farmers
As the calendar clicked over to Christmas, I posted a blog entry on some of my thoughts about staying home for the holiday. Staying home was like a dream because I travel a lot and while I LOVE travel, the change of pace sounded like a fantastic idea. I took time to point out that a few farmer friends would… Read More