When I first visit a blog, it may be because I saw a post shared on Twitter or Facebook that grabbed my attention or maybe I was looking for something through Google and the search engine pointed me to someone’s content. To help people get a better understanding of what I’m doing, I thought an overview may be important. I guess I think its because every personal blog is unique. In fact, the beauty of blogging is that every blog is different!
My Vision & the Blog’s Title
I started this blog to provide some of the many things I learn about agriculture with others. That’s why the domain started at JPlovesCOTTON.com — cause cotton has been the biggest part of my ag experience. I love that more and more people are interested in learning more about farming. It wasn’t that way for a while and I can absolutely remember years when people looked at me like I was nuts as I smiled and said I worked in agriculture. In the last few years, more people have been interested in discussing farms and our food. Putting blog posts out there, reading others blogs, tweeting, etc are all parts of my contribution to that discussion.
Once I got started sharing my thoughts and ideas on agriculture, well, I couldn’t seem to cut off the many other parts of my experiences & adventures. That’s how I came up with the blog’s title — “a colorful adventure” because I refuse to see life in the terms of black & white that some put forward. For me, there are many ways of farming that work, travel can be seen in far more ways than one, a culture isn’t good or bad necessarily, etc. Rather than black and white, I see life as a full color spectrum. With a patchwork of those colors playing a role in getting the food I eat to my table, the people I get to meet, and more.
Key Components of Interest
I love talking about my various passions — travel, agriculture and communications are all routine topics. Here are a few things you may find interesting if you are visiting for the first time or trying to understand what this site is about.
- One year on the blog — a short post about the first year including top posts in terms of readership and some other important topics.
- Cotton 101 Series –Having worked in the cotton industry for longer than I want to remember and having talked to so many experts over time, I’ve been able to pick up some of the basics. This is a loosely organized series of posts to explain the crop to others.
- Social media resources — This page assembles some of the posts I’ve created that may be helpful for farmers or others in agriculture as they engage in social media.