Memorial Day, Veterans Day and other times of year draw our attention to the topic of the men and women who have served in the military. I had a few things drawing my attention to the real topic of consideration this weekend. Not sure that I can say a short conversation with my cousin Ross who’s currently stationed in Iraq… Read More
I Just Can’t Get It, Don’t Want to Either
This week I took a 48 hour vacation. I went to one of America’s great cities – Chicago. I had an incredible time at the Cubs game Tuesday night. Baseball is one of my favorite sports to watch. Always has been. And while I love the Yankees (enough to have a Yankees jacket on even at Wrigley Field), I love… Read More
Lunch ‘n’ Learn of Another Kind
In the last several months, several campaigns have started to raise awareness about what is served as part of a school lunch. I’m sure you’ve seen one if not several of them. My brother Ray recently sent me a not about another one suggesting it as a blog topic… took me a couple of days to get my thoughts together… Read More
Opening day is finally here!
I’m not talking about a hunting or sports season, but it is something a lot of people look forward to — the opening of the Memphis Farmers Market downtown! I’ve missed the opening event but I’ve seen updates of lots of folks who went. And it doesn’t look like they missed me as there was a crowd and the Facebook… Read More
Telling my story, even if it is uncomfortable
About six weeks ago, I was asked to do an interview with John Blue at Truffle Media. As someone who talks with media routinely and sets up interviews for others every week, I did it without thinking. And John is a great member of the #agchat community so it seemed friendly enough. But I have to admit, I’m more accustomed… Read More
I am “Ag Proud”
The question about why I’m proud to be in agriculture is a tough one. Pride is not the first word that comes to me when I think about working in agriculture… I think that is more passion. I stumbled into agriculture by accident really, thinking I would get experience at a farm publications company and move on, but the sense… Read More