For a “first AFBF,” I can’t imagine feeling more at home. It’s amazing to meet so many of the folks I’ve “talked to” over the past year. Sure, we have talked almost exclusively through 140 character messages, but there is a funny immediate change of expression when you see a person who you’ve seen only through an avatar. People who… Read More
Sorry, This Will Likely Make You Jealous If You Aren’t at #AFBF10
This is going to be a really crummy video but hey, I’m having too much fun to sit here and write much! I got to Seattle yesterday and after a little sightseeing & recharge time on the heels of the Beltwide, I have hit the ground at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s annual convention! I guess you could say I… Read More
Amy Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth!
To think, I may have missed this blog post if a friend hadn’t brought it to my attention! It is as if Amy stole the words out of my head and put them in her blog! Okay, that may be overstating things, but it’s incredibly close to what I was thinking yesterday. Here’s Amy’s blog: Butcher Block with a Side… Read More
My Top 10 Farm-Related Hashtags in 2009
I’ve seen enough blogs on twitter’s top hashtags or topics for 2009 to never want to see another. However, I couldn’t help but notice that agriculture seems to get left off the list! Fine then (as a friend of mine would say)! I’ll just make my own list and I’ll open it up for discussion & debate. I may have… Read More
Staying Home for the Holidays
I’m lucky enough to have multiple choice at the holidays usually. The benefit of being single. All the moms & kids seem to be driver. I’m usually with family in one place or another although I sometimes also squeeze in vacation fun. This year the decision was to stay put. I love traveling to see my sister and her family… Read More
I Can’t Seem to Think in Numbers, I’m a People Person
I was playing around on the web and decided to go to twitter’s website to check trending topics — I saw too many Chuck Norris tweets and having bought a Chuck Norris book for last year’s office Christmas party exchange, I just had to know. When I logged in… the number of zeros popped up. Wow. 1000 followers? Really? I’m… Read More