Last week was a rare one for me. I had the chance to really soak up some social media buzz not once but twice. And some of it was a third time! What could be important enough to spend that sort of time getting my head around it? With my recent job change, I’ve different responsibilities on for social media.
And having recently won a copy of The Now Revolution by Jay Baer (Twitter, blog) and Amber Naslund (Twitter, blog), I had read part of the book but not all. I have really been enjoying it as most of it gave clear illustrations and more evidence of some things I have been thinking about or builds on ideas that make absolute sense to me. And I had two opportunities to see Jay talk social media marketing (thanks to AdFarm and Standing Partnership) so I risked being labelled a groupie or stalker and accepted both invites!
What is The Now Revolution?
The premise of The Now Revolution is that social media is the latest way to change response times for business. Jay gave several examples with fax machines being something that clearly sped up reactions and email being one of the most recent. Social media has made it a “now” thing. That time demand shift, means business need to look at how they do business, not simply how they do social media. Yes, he imparted lots of wisdom in the presentations — some of which was shared in tweets below but to really get into this, I’d recommend you reading the book in total as well as finding a chance to meet Jay. Love to have names, faces and concepts all come alive.
Building Community
One of the other reasons I couldn’t think of RSVPing for only one of the Jay Baer presentations, meetings like this are also opportunities to talk to more people who are passionate about social media. Several friends were at the presentations and it was a great chance to talk to others in the St. Louis area about what they are doing with social media to generate buzz. I had to pop in a short slide show that includes friends Katie Pinke @katpinke, Josh Lysne @jlysne, Nick Web @n_web, Tricia Briad @agchick, Leah Beyer @BeyerBeware, Megan Kuhn @megmkuhn and of course Jay Baer @jaybaer!
My Tweets from Jay Baer Presentations
- On my way to total #agnerd haven! Joining @adfarmtweets @katpinke @jlysne @skprkc & others to meet @jaybaer #agchat #sm
- At the offices of adfarm to hear what @jaybaer has to say. That’s him & @katpinke prechat #agnerd
- RT @adfarmtweets: Looks like fun convo on #theNOWrevolution between @jaybaer and @JPlovesCotton in #STL @adfarmtweets
- Hearing the folks at @adfarmtweets intro @jaybaer. Have already been cautioned on spoiler alerts for the CA crowd! #agnerd
- Check out @jlysne from #afcf10 another #agnerd moment
- Did you know @jaybaer is a foodie & tequila connoisseur?
- Ok… Will use care so as not to spoil other presentations by Jay… He is geeked up like me on the fact you can meet every1 & any1 thru SM
- How people deal with customer service has changed dramatically in past 3 years. Reviews on the go
- He is cracking up the crowd with illustrations from a hotel
- Reach has changed exponentially in the past few years. Personal influence is magnified like crazy.
- Every customer is a potential reporter. That should be clear in this crowd where several are tweeting. 🙂 #agnerd paradise
- You used to be given some time to coordinate, but social media demands immediacy. And there is no privacy cause it is all out in open.
- In case you didn’t know, @jaybaer rocks. Fun hearing his first hand tales of the now revolution
- The power created is awesome for the individual & is challenging for businesses. Need to move now, with speed & authenticity.
- When telephones became popular, it shifted speed, same with fax, the web, email, etc. Businesses have shifted. And people doubledown
- Social media shifted it to peer-to-peer. Need more than a presence. Need corporate culture shift.
- You need people empowered to make decisions. That means you need to hire talent you can trust.
- Check out Colin’s blog
- We need people who are passionate about the content of your biz. You can train on the other stuff. @jaybaer keeps me tweeting.
- Pick folks who really want to do it. Who want to do social media and you will be better off than if folks are assigned to it.
- This is the moment @kansfarmer should be in room as @jaybaer is talking about measurements & metrics. This #agnerd moment by @adfarmtweets
- Thank you & I’m sorry are the four words that really help you work social media for business like a pro.
- If you are listening, helping and acting on it, you are going to be out front of social media.
- The power is in connecting with people, that’s best done by engaging employees
- This will get good. @jaybaer & @katpinke taking questions from the crowd.
- To @jaybaer a video that distorts #Ag should be replied with by videos from industry, farmers & ranchers #agchat #agnerd
- Do not let yourself get dragged into the weeds or into a pissing contest. You will never win.
- A trio of #agnerds @jlysne @jaybaer & @katpinke – Jay knew tequila is from blue agave so he gets the title!
- Look who I found – @agchick & @n_web #agnerd
- RT @katpinke: This group of gals @JPlovesCOTTON @megmkuhn @beyerbeware just said they miss @kansfarmer not being here.
- Gonna hear @jaybaer again thanks @standingPR … Another chance to be a spoiler but I will try to restrain myself
- @jaybaer is looking dapper at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
- With things online, businesses can’t verify accuracy as things are frequently anonymous. Can’t coordinate either.
- Companies need to be faster, smarter and more social in how they do business.
- @TitanOutlet I am listening to @jaybaer talk about the#nowrevolution, no issue for me at the moment
- @TitanOutlet last night I saw the #agnerd crowd from @adfarmtweets too… Yeah, you should look thru the old tweets
- You can work fast on social media, but will need to understand that the returns build more slowly – @jaybaer
- @katpinke heck, I had a chance to visit with him for 15 min before he talked… I pumped him for info 🙂
- @TitanOutlet @adfarmtweets I hear @jaybaer will be in Fargo next week… Ask @katpinke for the dets
- @RayLinDairy @katpinke @jaybaer @n_web are you suggesting I am not an #agnerd? If so, get ready to fight dude #agnerdnotagnerdgroupie
- .@jaybaer is autographing books a plenty _ you should get a copy, it rocks!
Jay Baer says
Thanks so much for the kind words. Great to meet you IRL in St. Louis. I love the way you included your tweets in the post. Smart!
JPlovesCOTTON says
Smart or lazy? 😉 Great meeting you. Good luck with the weather in Fargo, its been a bear here in St. Louis!
Katie from the prairie says
JP, thanks so much for this fabulous blog post and for attending our AdFarm event. I believe that indeed just as Jay signed in your book that agnerds are going to change the world! One blog post, video, photo and tweet shared. You rock sister. And you should plan on a trip to North Dakota this summer. We’ll give a grand fanfare.
JPlovesCOTTON says
Thanks for the kind words Katie! I had great fun and am sure we are going to change the world! Passion rocks and that’s what agnerds are bringing the social media world!