My friend Nick started a twitter hashtag #onthefarm as a way to connect to the farm weekly. This week he thought he’d take a break and let me do the interview. I may want to steal the project from him totally now. 🙂 I had so incredibly much fun picking a topic, getting the folks lined up and knowing we could make a difference for the group of young people behind I Love Farmers, They Feed My Soul!
Scott Vernon (ag communications prof at Cal Poly) and Annalisa Clarke (one of the grad students he’s been working with) were online for an hour-long discussion about the group, what it is doing, how others can participate, etc. And yes, they are making ag hip! I love it! After an hour with these two, and the class of 27 students participating in the classroom…. well, you simply have to be energized for the future!
Be sure you follow the links we’ve built in. That will help you access some of the info we were sharing. No more delays, here’s an edited transcript of the #onthefarm for October 8, 2009! (You can find this & other #onthefarm transcripts on Nick’s blog.)
JPlovesCOTTON: @DrJSV wooo hooo!!! I see you in the#onthefarm stream!
DrJSV: About 25 minutes away from class starting here at Cal Poly #onthefarm
DrJSV: Join me for a #onthefarm TweetChat at: #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: Our students are entering their ag comm classroom… in 15 min we’ll be talking to them about advocacy work#onthefarm follow the stream
JPlovesCOTTON: easiest way to follow #onthefarm? Search columns in tewetdeck or seesmic or through tweetchat
JPlovesCOTTON: On my clock, it says 11:15… hoping friends@DrJSV & @ilovefarmersorg are here to join in for our interview on farm advocacy #onthefarm
DrJSV: Good morning everyone! Class in session! #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: Fantastic! Good morning class! Thanks for joining the #ag crowd on twitter today. Is Annalissa out there too? #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: Let’s start asking Scott to tell us a little about himself. An introduction — connections to ag, education, passions, etc. He can tweet a few things there – then tell us a bit about the folks in the classroom and others in @ilovefarmersorg #onthefarm
DrJSV: Ag Comm Professor at Cal Poly. From a cow/calf ranch. Been teaching 25 years Teaching an upperdivision ag leadership class at the moment #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Annalisa Clarke – Campaign manager for I Love Farmers…They Feed My Soul! #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: Annalisa! Great to see you! Can you give me a tweet or two about your connections to ag, your background, etc?#onthefarm
DrJSV: I’m teaching an upperdivision ag leadership class at this moment #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: you had an ag connection to one of our shared heroes… right? Norman Borlaug? #onthefarm
DrJSV: Did my graduate work at Texas A&M. Had Dr. Borlaug as a teacher #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: The class you are in now… how many students grew up on a farm? #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Welcome to everyone! Excited to be here – Go Mustangs! #onthefarm
DrJSV: 6 out of 27 #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: Are the students in the class all part of I love farmers — and should we call them members? #onthefarm
DrJSV: Most are helping #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: #onthefarm is interviewing the creators of today. I hope others will enjoy watching and learning
JPlovesCOTTON: and with that Annalisa, can you tell me how I love farmers started? and Scott maybe you can tweet about the goals? Those aren’t quick answers so take several tweets each #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: I’m a FOOD LOVER! Cal Poly Alumn – slapped in the face with the reality of comm. disconnect in ag while working on Masters. #onthefarm
DrJSV: Be the most recognizable image/brand supporting American family farmers and ranchers in the United States! #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: And students…. we’d love one of you to snap a photo of the group! either twitpic it, or email it to me. JSV has contact info #onthefarm
DrJSV: Our target demographic 14-24 year olds. Urban youth / rural youth #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: if you aren’t familiar with the group, you may want to look at the http// — but come back if you do : ) #onthefarm
DrJSV: We want to be in places you don’t normally see an ag message. Cool, hip, on the edge. Not always politically correct#onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: ILF is a reaction and progressive campaign to create a trendy image of ag and communicate the message on ind to digital natives #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: You are making ag hip? You have to tell us how & why. Take a few tweets and build it for us to understand#onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: For some of our audience, where is Cal Poly & what sort of area are you in. How much ag is around you?#onthefarm
DrJSV: San Luis Obispo. Along the Central Coast of California. Between LA and SF Beautiful! Beaches! Wine! Surfing! Sunny! 70-80F #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: 1/2 way btwn SF and LA. Lots of ag in out community / specialty crops $650mln+ #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: Annalisa, maybe U can tell us about people who initiated the program, reality slapped you, how many are joining in the slap back? #onthefarm
DrJSV: Young people love ag but they don’t always have to LOOK like farmers. ILF is working to change stereotypes. #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: 1% feed 100% – huge disconnect from farm#onthefarm
DrJSV: Lots of advocates for food and ag in the Next Genereation!#onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Milk doesn’t come from the cooler. Some of the 99% can’t relate to a farm, tractor, animals before harvest.#onthefarm
DrJSV: Changing the paradigm of the way ag communicates its message. Using integrated approach w/social media Web 1.0 AND Web 2.0 #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: w/o appreciation we lose touch with our consumer. Any good “brand” studies its consumer and works to build a strong connection #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: you have 27 students in the room & Annalisa…. on this chat directly. How many young people have you engaged & how? #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: I think Annalisa must know several dairy farmers like @RayLinDairy are likely watching. With that I’ll say #moo!#onthefarm
DrJSV: 13,000 plus as of last night! #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: You have time… I want to see several tweets about how you guys are doing this. #onthefarm
DrJSV: On Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and on the ground at events. #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Social Media, sporting the apparel, word-of-mouth! almost 13K on FB, almost 500 on twitter – not just aggies which is great! #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: CONGRATS! Tell us about 13,000 joining you!#onthefarm
DrJSV: We want to be at skateboard parks, surf events, concerts, schools, tattoo parlors! #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Branding and image recognition. Daily posting relating ag to our own lives. “dumbing down ag” to those questioning it’s validity. #onthefarm
DrJSV: When we started we mobilized an army of young ppl using what THEY know…social media. Old ppl in ag didn’t (don’t). They do now #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Industry- huge roll in sharing ILF. With support financially and in-kind from industry we will bring ILF to its full potential! #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: ROI (in $) not so easy to grasp with social media#onthefarm
DrJSV: ILF has gone viral in many ways! #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Relationships and “following” – easy to measure and track with social media! #onthefarm
DrJSV: Still could use financial support. Our passion is deep, our pockets shallow! #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: Scott… tell me about the tattoo parlors… that’s not everyday farm talk. How’s that help a farmer in Iowa?#onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: No and we know it’s not! KIDS talk this way that’s why we’re speaking their language! #onthefarm
DrJSV: Tattoo parlors? Everyone eats. Just a unique way to start a “conversation” about ag. Don’t expect to see farmers in a tat parlor? #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: You are getting ahead of me Scott… We certainly want to talk about resourcing. But I think this does help the Iowa farmer. #onthefarm
DrJSV: Shock and awe baby! #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: I want them to see the impact crosses from young hip to others. #onthefarm
DrJSV: Old ag too conservative sometimes (most the time). My opinion. #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: The campaign really is a proactive, positive way to get young people to show their support of ag, much like they do for bands! #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: We are utilizing many of the strategies that have made our adversaries so powerful! #onthefarm
DrJSV: I see (live) with the next generation and they are awesome, creative and ready to be leaders! #onthefarm
DrJSV: We have a bunch of moms and grandmas following us as well. #onthefarm
DrJSV: Dads and grandpas too! #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: @DrJSV: You won’t have too many disagree that old ag is behind from this crowd. We may be old but we’re on twitter! #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: ILF will connect both sides – as long as both sides are willing to engage! I know we are… #onthefarm
DrJSV: We can farm / ranch and have FUN in town too!#onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: Great point Annalisa! Critics of ag are very active online. You are helping their and by recruiting excitement!#onthefarm
DrJSV: We’re shakin’ and bakin’ #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: TOTALLY AGREE!!!!! RT @DrJSV:: We can farm / ranch and have FUN in town too! #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Foodies, vegetarians, liberals, conservatives – we all gotta eat! #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: So, how can people watching this interview get involved? #onthefarm
DrJSV: We have “the media” at our fingertips now. Smartphones and computers! #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: the Facebook group to check out@ilovefarmersorg: is — should people get there? What do you offer up? #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Participate in conversation and bring it into your community. Talk outside of the ag circle! Wear the shirts – sport your pride! #onthefarm
DrJSV: Join our Facebook group. Donate. Buy cool ILF gear, stickers. And, get connected #onthefarm
DrJSV: Lots of farmers are coming to the party with Blogs, twitter accts, Facebook groups. GET A VOICE AND USE IT! #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Share your thoughts, experiences “straight from the horses mouth” #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: Someone in the room has sent me photos…. but my blackberry is holding them hostage it seems #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: What do you do off-farm? You many be involved in ag, but what else? #onthefarm
DrJSV: YouTube is useful as well. Create content. #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Photos, videos – we want to see young people in ag! the faces of the next generation that feeds the world – WITH STYLE! #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: Great pts. We have a lot of people here who are#agvocates. There were some other ideas to directly assist your group right? #onthefarm
DrJSV: Change requires and open mind! Students are ready to engage! #onthefarm
DrJSV: The faces of the next generation may have more piercings, colorful hair, tats than the last generation. That is ok. Right?#onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Sponsor a billboard! Bulk shirt orders for cause marketing! Website sponsor – we can be creative! Decal on every trk in ur fleet! #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Sponsor ILF ambassadors to attend your industry event! #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: We talked about a few things you’d like to do but financial limitations hold you back. Can you share some of those ideas? #onthefarm
DrJSV: Easier when said from the West Coast. We realize everyone won’t agree. We deal in a different reality out here. Crazy people!#onthefarm
DrJSV: Yes. Lots of ideas. Amazing how expensive it is to execute.#onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: We may be young and we may look a little different – but we love agriculture! #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: Great ideas Annalisa! Your read my mind! I made a donation through the website. Others can do the same. (also bought tshirts #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: We are marketing ag to the masses! #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: what’s up next for you guys? What’s I Love Farmers have coming in the next month or so? #onthefarm
DrJSV: But we have generated a “million dollar buz” with very few dollars. We have been creative. #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: @JPlovesCOTTON: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!#onthefarm
DrJSV: Think what this would cost if a PR firm was doing it!#onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Michael Pollan will be speaking at Cal Poly#onthefarm
DrJSV: He’s here on Thursday, Oct 15 at Cal Poly. ILF will be there in a big way. I’m moderating a conversation with him and others Should be interesting! #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: ILF will be bring people there virtually – via twitter, tweetchat, facebook updates, videos, photos! #onthefarm
DrJSV: ILF will TWEET Live from the event. Pictures and video will follow. #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: Here’s a pic from our class filled with ag for the future!!! I love farmers, they feed my soul!
JPlovesCOTTON: How long has the program been going? Where do you see if going next? #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Share your FB status with us and invite ALL your friends to join I Love Farmers…They Feed My Soul! #onthefarm
DrJSV: We started in late April / May of last year. Next we want to dominate the world. j/k #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: @JPlovesCOTTON: Looks like it’s early!#onthefarm
DrJSV: With the start of school we will see a new energy come to the campaign! Lots of new faces. #onthefarm
DrJSV: Got some hot new faces coming to the site soon. Maybe a calendar! #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: You are more active on FB now, do you think we’ll be able to help you step up the twitter presence with this chat?#onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Twitter, Tweetchat, FB updates at event. Create pre-event buz though all social networks. #onthefarm
DrJSV: Absolutely! #onthefarm
DrJSV: Also working with California Women for Ag on a cool project!#onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Twitter participants are generally outside of our “target”. We want the biggest bang for $. More twitter to come…#onthefarm
DrJSV: Cal Poly students have been leading the way, but it is not a class project or funded in any way by Cal Poly. We have cool kids!#onthefarm
DrJSV: Looking for other university students to help as well!#onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Twitter is powerful tool for industry. Fast way to spread vital info – need more engaged to receive info! #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: Well, we can encourage other schools to raise the level — lots are participating already through FB, can get more visible #onthefarm
DrJSV: But, ILF is not a club. It is a movement! #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: Well, we’re at the hour. I’m looking forward to seeing your tweet stream next week.. hope to see more t-shirts, stickers, etc #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: Schools can purchase banners for events too!#onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: Anything you want to leave us with as we close?#onthefarm
DrJSV: Hey, any commercial printers out there want to donate printing for a poster to distribute nationwide? Hit me up.#onthefarm
DrJSV: Thanks! You da bomb! #onthefarm
DrJSV: See ya! #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: @JPlovesCOTTON: Thank you for facilitating this! Great to tweet with ya! #onthefarm
ilovefarmersorg: I LOVE Farmers…They Feed My Soul!#onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: And @DrJSV: and I talked about an auction… I’m looking to make a 1 of the kind piece of pottery for the auction. YOU? #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: Lots to think about, get excited about too. Stay in touch with @DJSV and @ilovefarmersorg:! They Rock! #onthefarm
JPlovesCOTTON: Thanks Scott, Annalissa & the 27 of you watching! We appreciate what you are doing for the future of ag! It is a cool future! #onthefarm