It happens to every blogger at one point or another. We slow down or just get out of the routine of writing posts. You go a couple of weeks without posting anything even though you have had several ideas. You may have even written quite a few things. It may be because you are busy, the time of day or week you used to dedicate to the blog gets taken over by something else, you can’t think of anything you want to write or you have a lot of ideas and can’t focus on one.
That’s what is happening here. Its what has been happening to me.
It has happened before and it is likely to happen again.
Rather than ignore it, I decided this time to share that reality of it.
I wrote a blog post the final days of 2015 and haven’t gotten my blog post on since then even though I had some time off that could have easily been put to work here. Even though I had a few good ideas come to me. Now after a couple of weeks, I’m not sure what sort of post should be the next one. It has happened several times before.
That said… its best to just jump back in! I’m going to have a unique experience tomorrow… will write about that! No more excuses or maybes I should.
This is so true, for me as well. Kind of new to blogging but I am on top of it now! Glad I am not alone. ?