What an incredible experience with incredible people! I am sure that I will be energized for a while after the AgChat Foundation’s first training conference, tweeted as #ACFC10.
Silly that I got referred to as a presenter because I was a learner in a big way! Granted I had a few tips that maybe others didn’t have previously, but wow! I learned a lot and feel incredibly well connected to an enthusiastic group of people who are all excited about telling their story about farming. The training sessions took place over 24 hours but I am sure that 24 hours will be seen and felt for a VERY LONG TIME!
Thanks to all the people who taught me something in the last couple of days and I hope we can keep the information exchange going! Here’s my final set of photos of the event… but this is far from the last content that will come as a result of #ACFC10
[slideshow post_ID=2390]
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Wish I could have spared the time to be with those that agvocate, take part in and produce the worlds food and fiber. Great job people. By simply being there you also represent those of us who could not. This agvocation is a huge untertaking and necessary as we all promote what agriculture does for our world.
Thanks for helping us celebrate the fun & future possibilities out of the conference! We hope to get a lot of info out to other agvocates as well!
This looks like it was a great conference. It would have been great to be there. The comment about being called a presenter when you were also a learner was perfect. When we do presentations for CUE and Google we use “Lead Learners” because we learn right along with the participants. Looking forward to hearing more about the Ag Chat Foundation in the future.
Hoping to get more involved with the Ag Chat Foundation,
Thanks Danny! The Foundation is looking forward to some great social media tip blog posts — in fact, cross posting will work fine!
Just found out about Ag Chat in our monthly Ag Magazine here in Vermont.
Ag Blogs are the #1 tool to gently educate interested, intelligent consumers.
I get more e mail and phone calls, more questions and inquieries, since I started my humble blog.
Have also mentored some new farmers who found my blog.
Drop by when you have some time:
“it takes a farmer to educated a village.”
Wow! Looking at your blog I am so hungry for good berries I can’t see straight! We’d love to have you involved with the Foundation too! I don’t think we have too many folks in the Northeast connected with the organization yet. We love having different perspectives — the website is agchat.org. If you are on Facebook, search for the AgChat Foundation and like our page & join the conversation!