My flashbacks to my first big trip are showing up here a lot — I posted about traveling in the Soviet Union and Volgograd was my first time to travel outside the U.S. And while that may seem to cover it for some, there were so many unique things that I had the chance to experience, that I had to do one more… Read More
What was it like to travel in the Soviet Union? Back in the USSR Indeed
As I mentioned earlier, events in Volgograd have had me doing a walk done memory lane. Volgograd was my first time to travel outside the U.S. and the walk down memory lane & looking through photo albums (yes film-based camera and real prints on photo paper — sounds like a history lesson!) So what really stands out for me? A few things,… Read More
First-Hand Report from Volgograd, Russia
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I have friends in Volgograd, Russia. So as my mind went more to the issues of terrorism that are causing concerns in that city, I thought about how terrorism has rocked others in my world. There were friends who lived in the areas where terrorists struck in downtown Oklahoma City when the Murrah building… Read More
Volgograd, Russia — Remembering My First Big International Trip
As I watch the news, I am once again reminded of having been in a certain place many years ago. As you have likely seen if you have watched TV news or read a news site, there have been two bombings in Volgograd, Russia in the last few days. This post doesn’t speak to that event, but I felt having… Read More
Traveling alone and making new friends
My first overseas trip was what some would call a doozy. While I hate to give away quite so much on my age, the context is sort of important, so in that spirit, I will say the trip was to the Soviet Union — Moscow and Volgograd to be exact. I know those are Russian cities but I was there… Read More