When I moved to Missouri this fall, I thought I’d get the chance to hit the roads on the weekend. See some new areas that I’ve never seen, catch up with some of my friends that live in the Midwest. Sadly, with the move, work, etc., I am well behind schedule but I hope to find time this spring and summer to get some trips in. And I’m thinking if I take time to schedule them, they have a greater likelihood of being made!
So what am I thinking?
Well, I need to get to busy figuring out where I would go and who all I can see while I’m roaming around the Midwest! I need Midwest adventures! Rather than start out by inviting myself to visit various people, I’d at least like to give some of you a chance to invite me. Maybe it would help me find volunteers if you knew what sort of travel am I thinking about.
- Budget smart — I’ll have to budget both time a money reasonably well. That means I’ll be prioritizing visiting those friends who may have room for me (yep, that dear friend outside of KC who chases her cat from the guest room, may want to get ready for a short visit).
- Fun catching up — Whether its friends from back in the day at Phillips University or getting to know people beyond their tweets, I have to tell you good friends come first!
- Unique experiences & sights — Since I’ve not lived in this part of the country, my guess is unique experiences for me are probably the mundane for many of the peeps I’d like to go see. In fact, Flat Stanley had lots of fun I’ve never gotten to experience!
- Short weekend drives — There are plenty of places I could drive to on a Friday evening after work or get up on Saturday to go. Based on the time I spent in the Delta, 2-3 hour drives are probably best in this category. (I think most of the area in purple is probably pretty close to the prime drive area.)
- Non-stop flights — With the expansion of non-stop flights by Southwest, I think I could probably pull off a couple of flights as long as I’m able to plan ahead. It seems there are quite a few places I could get to quickly. Some of the places that are possible are Omaha,, NE; Minneapolis, MN; Milwaukee, WI; and Columbus, OH which may give me a couple of extended weekends where I could cruise out from that location.
I’ve already been hitting a few of my friends up for invites to their hometowns…. I guess I’ll have to see if they volunteer to host me a day or two or whether I have to hound them. LOL! Anyway, to make it easy for people to invite me (and to save my ego if nobody does) I thought a short form may help me keep this organized and then I can start figuring out a couple of trips!
[contact-form subject=”a colorful adventure Thinking Through Spring & Summer Travel” to=”[email protected]”] [contact-field label=”Who are you?” type=”name” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”How do I get in touch?” type=”textarea” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Where are you or where do you think I should go? 😉 Some of the unique sights or experiences nearby” type=”textarea” /] [contact-field label=”When do you think a trip is best?” type=”textarea” /] [contact-field label=”Budget smart idea” type=”checkbox” /] [contact-field label=”Catching up?” type=”checkbox” /] [contact-field label=”Short drive from STL?” type=”checkbox” /] [contact-field label=”Non-stop cheap flights?” type=”checkbox” /] [contact-field label=”Willing to put up with me?” type=”checkbox” /] [contact-field label=”What else should I know?” type=”textarea” /] [/contact-form]
I filled out a bunch of information and I am unsure if my computer sent it or deleted it. Can you tell me?
Darn, it didn’t.I’ve gotten a couple of others so I think it should be working. Maybe you’d rather email it to me at [email protected] — let me know when you get the email address down I’ll edit it back out so my spam folder doesn’t get too filled up! 🙂
Submitted an invite but it is for this month not spring/summer.
February & March are pretty busy work wise but I’ll say maybe! Put it tentative on the calendar for a day trip!
Got a new planter with new gadgets. Can’t wait to put it to work…………..
Heck, that even sounds like I could potentially make that a “work trip.” Love that!
We have an award winning winery in town if that helps.
That CERTAINLY works in your favor!!!!
I like this idea, knowing what color that new planter is! And award-winning wineries never hurt
Can’t believe I forgot Fair Oaks! https://www.fofarms.com/en/home
Ooooh…. Indiana just keeps sounding better!
Sent some ideas. 🙂
Thanks! I love the idea of the rabbit conference…. will have to see what I can work out!
Ok so I wasn’t very specific in my offer because well…. It’s Wisconsin… We have beer and cheese and places that make beer and cheese and really. what more do you want?
I can vouch for good company and lots of beautiful barn to take pictures of in Wisconsin, too. Definitely got all those on my last trip, although I forgot to buy more spotted cow.
Well aren’t you the supportive voice! LOVE IT! Thanks for the ideas in your neck of the woods too!
Did you see the form on the blog? I’m taking dates & all sorts of suggestions! Amazing how many folks are willing to help me see their hometowns!
Yes and I filled it out the other morning. Did it not go through?
Damn! I just checked again and it seems to have not come through. No worries, you know Wisconsin is on my list cause of the coolness you offer. Rather than try doing that again, maybe you could just email me? I’m trying to figure out what ideas from various folks can be done on a same trip or what timing some things are, etc. I have way too much I want to do so I have to use my time wisely! 🙂
Sent some ideas:)
You sent some AWESOME IDEAS! I feel certain we will be knocking around your hometown in the coming months!
I sent my ideas, hope you can come.
Thanks Michael! You gave me some great ideas!
You got my ideas.
None of them are a surprise.
Thanks, surprises or not, with so many ideas, capturing them is a great start! With you and Nate both making a sell, I bet I find a chance to hop a cheap flight to Chicago!
Chicago’s got a lot of draw…none of which are as important as a couple of good friends! 😉