I’m not sure I’d bite off a daunting list like the top ag tweeps… but Sabrina at Fastline put one together. There are lots of tweeps I put way ahead of me. But I’m thrilled to be included as it seems that I’m contributing to the discussion on agriculture with what I’m putting out on twitter. Sabrina has done this… Read More
InfoFarm: The NAL Blog: National Agricultural Library
InfoFarm: The NAL Blog: National Agricultural Library. Mike Haley pointed out the NAL blog to me earlier when I was asking a few questions… they did a post on #thankafarmer and this post on #moo. I’m going to start checking it out more often! This post is months and months old. But made me smile remembering when. 🙂
SM Ag Revolution…
We all studied the industrial revolution that increased the way we could mass produce things in demand. And most of us in mainstream agriculture have participated in the biotech revolution. This morning as I was casting my vote for Michele Payn-Knoper for twitter user of the year… the phrase, social media ag revolution came to mind. Today, I count among… Read More
Don’t worry about missing #openwebaward tweets
Some of us have noticed that the tweets recognizing our votes don’t always show up. Thanks to Darin Grimm for doing a bit of looking into it. His finding? The results should be logging as long as you get the thank you screen on the mashable site. Don’t worry about the tweet — you can create your own anyway! What’s… Read More
Tweet transcript from #foodchat 10-20-2009
Wow. Twitter chat sessions are always fever pitched, but I have a new found respect for folks who host them! Shaun Haney & I sat in on responsibilities for #foodchat last night. Michele Payn-Knoper does so many of these and handles the stress so well week after week… Okay, when technology melts down she may glisten ever so slightly. But… Read More
Common Sense Agriculture: Harris Ranch vs. Cal Poly – The Rest of the Story
Jeff Fowle is a farmer rancher I’ve gotten to know over twitter. Today, he posted a blog entry about the recent events involving Michael Pollan, Cal Poly and Harris Ranch. It is one of the first in-depth first-hand accounts I’ve had the chance to read (though I’ve appreciated that several alumni, students, etc have briefly posted through Twitter). When I… Read More