Yesterday I sat in on the presentation about drought tolerant corn and wanted to reblog it here so you could all find it on the Farm Bureau annual meeting blog. The speaker, Mark Edge, also gave me a short overview on what the presentation was about. It’s here on video.
On Sunday, one of the exhibitor seminars drew a big crowd and kept them in their seats the full hour. What topic could lure people away from picking up swag? Easy. Drought tolerance. The topic is especially poignant following a historic drought in many states during 2012.
Mark Edge, the DroughtGard marketing lead for Monsanto, came to the AFBF meeting to talk with farmers about the company’s approach on drought tolerance and the new products that are becoming available.
Edge said water is the biggest topic facing agriculture and it has been for a long time. He remembers growing up on a Midwestern farm where water was frequently the topic of conversation. It is not just a topic of interest due to the drought of 2012.
via Drought Tolerance Discussion Draws Farmer Interest at AFBF13 | Farm Bureau Annual Meeting Blog