What is it about sunflowers that just grab you? I think it has to be because they make you feel the sun – both mentally and physically somehow when they are at their peak. Having seen sunflowers in bloom quite a few times, I’ve never ceased to be compelled to smile when I see a field of them.
So when a colleague and I were traveling this past week and I went on into Lubbock for a few hours. He came in for a shared appointment and when we were driving back, he mentioned seeing sunflowers on his way in. I asked which route he had taken and later that evening, as dusk came to the High Plains and we called it a day, we drove that same way.
We were beginning to wonder whether we had somehow missed it when we were struck with the sight and I started looking for a turnrow that could get me a good place to take a few photos. I really wished I had my good camera rather than the simple point and shoot but I am forever blown away with the photos my Canon point & shoot can take. But as I look at these photos, I am also amazed at the incredible light we stumbled into. It had been totally cloudy all day and sprinkled off and on throughout the day in the field. So of course, the sun broke through a bit as soon as the field day was over.
I hope you enjoy the photos a fraction as much as we enjoyed the experience!
Bee-yoo-tiful! Thanks for sharing.
a friend posted this to my Facebook page… thought it was interesting to note. He wholesales to florists:
F.Y.I. – Sunflower w/black center are “Sunbright” (most common) and w/yellow center are “Sunrich”. Other varieties that are grown in large fields, that seemd to go on forever, are “Teddy Bear” & “Mahogany”. They do tend to bring a smile to a person’s face!