What was it that stood out during the AgChat Foundation‘s annual training conference? Well, there were lots of people to catch my eyes and lots of things to see and do, but it was the cotton t-shirts that folks had on that time and time made me snap a quick photo. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them leave you wordless. I’ll put a few in the post and all of them in a slide show! 🙂
[slideshow post_ID=14054]
- Brian Scott @TheFarmersLife rocks an AgChat Foundation shirt
- Ryan Goodman @AR_Ranchhand in Beef & Marian Black digs the pig
- @OHPork’s Jenn Keller illustrates farmers then & now
- @davidhayden7 & Wanda Patsche rep yummy pork
- Jody Donohue aka @agropinion (so great to finally meet her)
- the back of my Twitter shirt JP loves COTTON in symbols
- Anthony Pannone @agrospheric loves farmers (& I love him a little)
- lot of love and cottony goodness here
- @jenlyndewey & @sunflowerfarmer coordinated their twitter shirts!
- Jennifer @FoodMommy Elwell in her Food Mommy shirt 🙂 & me
- Meghan Cline @CityGirl4Ag likes Oklahoma State and Pork
- @SuzieWilde Kissed a Farmer & She Liked it!
Very personalized messages however yo look at it:)
That is for sure!
Love this!! And love that me and my farmer’s photos made it here! Rockin the Maverick Ag wheat! And… is it bad that I don’t remember this photo being taken…? Whoops! Too much whiskey!
LOL! It was a fun night.
Great shirts and great people!!!
Great fun for sure!
I’m so bummed that I couldn’t make it this year! Next year hopefully I’ll be available and I’ll have to bring some fun ag shirts to wear!