I love baseball. I’ve been a Yankees fan for years. Started when I first saw the pinstripes but the four years living in New York solidified it. Something about the regular trip to the stadium, discussing the games with friends and complete strangers, and let’s not forget the World Series spirit. I’ve really been a baseball fan though, with the Yankees being the team I enjoyed most. I’ve had the experience of seeing games in Cleveland, Phoenix, Anaheim, Denver, etc and I’ve loved them all. So when I started coming to St. Louis for work it was clear that baseball would be part of the experience. What I didn’t expect was how connected the Cardinals are to agriculture or how that would impact me.
St. Louis is a hub in the region for agriculture…. its location on the rivers and its historical role as the gateway. And there are a lot of ag businesses here in St. Louis including my employer, Monsanto. With corn farmers and cattle just a few miles from Busch Stadium, in the stands you find a mix of farmers along with the doctors, lawyers, bankers, etc. The dollars brought in by advertising and events don’t get close to the onsors for various events at the stadium range from local restaurants to organizations.
I’ve noticed the farmers who get honored at several games. The Cardinals put them up on the big screen. Sometimes it’s a dairy farmer presented by the local dairy distributor other times its a hog farmer (remember Chris Chinn was spotlighted last year). Well Wednesday night, I got to be ON THE FIELD as my good friend Debbie Lyons-Blythe (who showed Jake’s Flat Stanley around her ranch) was interviewed about her farm. As soon as she finished, my new friend April Hemmes from Hampton, Iowa took the spotlight. INCREDIBLE women. (You can learn more about Debbie & her farm on the farm mom page or on her blog Life on a Kansas Cattle Ranch. You can learn more about April’s farm on the America’s Farmers site.)
As for my baseball alliance, I guess I’m doing fine getting used to St. Louis and it seems I’ve become a Cardinals fan. But don’t expect me to give up my Yankees gear but I am thinking the proper Cardinals gear is in my future. 😉
I shot a lot of photos and had started shooting video last night when Brad from the office said he’d capture the video since I had my “real camera” with me. Ended up Jessica ended up shooting the video with my iPhone. The audio could be better but I think you can see how awesome these women are! And by the way, the game went into extra innings but the Cardinals pulled out the win!
And I hope you enjoy checking out all the photos I took. 🙂
[slideshow post_ID=13708]
- farm moms April Hemmes & Debbie Lyons
- Debbie & Ruth before we go out on the field
- Debbie Lyons-Blythe & Duane Blythe enjoying the evening
- getting directions for the evening
- Coming out of the clubhouse
- we actually get to go on the field!!!
- Yep, we are really there!
- Iowa farmer April Hemmes & Kansas farmer Debbie Lyons-Blythe
- Debbie Lyons-Blythe & Duane Blythe at the Cardinals game
- Fredbird St Louis Cardinals
- Brad checking out the batters box
- excited to be on the field at Busch Stadium
- Janice Person (me) & Debbie Lyons-Blythe
- Ruth on the field
- I was lovin’ being out on the grass at Cardinals stadium
- April Hemmes visits with a member of the Cardinals office
- Interviewing Debbie Lyons-Blythe about her Kansas Farm
- Interviewing April Hemmes about her Iowa Farm
- great job!
- Stan the Man statue
Wow, JP, what a cool experience. It’s nice to hear that a Major League Baseball team is showcasing America’s Ag Producers. Talk about getting our agvocate message out to the masses.
Yep! 🙂
It’s always a great feeling to get to go on the field and walk around at a baseball game! I have had that great experience a couple of times at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City at a Royals game. The best games to go to were always when the Yankees came to town or the Cardinals (the across state rivalry is great) It was always such a great time of peanuts, hot dogs and trying to catch a foul ball!
I haven’t thought about the Yankees playing the Royals! Will have to get tickets to one of those series! May not be loved since I’m a Yankees fan, but I can deal with the criticism!
Thanks for sharing the video from the game Janice! It was fun to watch. Ruth was being shy for the camera but she’s just like her Mom and really isn’t that shy…
LOL! Yeah, I’m not sure if you heard my colleague telling FredBird, go get her daughter! We were loving his pulling her out there!