Recently beginning bloggers have been on my mind a good bit and then last night at. St Louis bloggers meet up, I met Christina from Homemade Ocean. She had lots of enthusiasm and questions. Whitney from Cafe Mocha Reflections was there too and although she had more experience, questions remained.
Next thing I knew the early happy hour had turned into us closing down the restaurant as Danielle Smith of Extraordinary Mommy and I tried to share some of our experiences. It reminded me that I recently had pulled out some tips for beginning bloggers that I have shared in various places so I am putting the post together finally. and you can see from the photo, we enjoyed trading stories & tips!
My Basic Blogging Tips
Leading the discussion around basic blogging for the AgChat Foundation a couple of years ago, I would prepare handouts. Recently, as they held the regional conference, I pulled this out for this year’s speakers.
Key Components of Your Blog
- Audience Definition (who you really want to reach & ways to engage them)
- Current stream – break posts (read more) so a new visitor can see several posts quickly
- Have an “about you” page to help them get to know the author – other pages? (disclaimer, etc)
- Some customization of the blog design through photos, etc
- Consider the widgets you use as resources for readers, especially use navigational options in widgets – archives, key word search, recent posts, etc.
- Post to all your social media channels
- Use autofeeds wisely – tags for Twitter, pointing to friends on your Facebook page, etc
- Subscriptions through blog
- Email signature is a great way to share.
- Post to other sites that have an interest – pages/groups on FB that share that interest
- Do unto other bloggers as you would have them do unto you (comment, like, blogroll connections, send them traffic, etc)
- Make accessible in wording, vocabulary, etc.
- Encourage interaction on the blog
- Use categories & tags – categories link within your blog whereas tags link to others on the service (wordpress, blogspot, etc.)
- Clear headlines help you show up in search engines – creativity great for tweets, etc, use photos and give them descriptive names & alt text, use headings within longer posts
- Save drafts with just an idea or two when you get them, go back & write more later (great mobile applications/access for this)
- Mixture of timely & timeless
- Try to have two posts (or more) a week, maybe look at whether a series is something you can do regularly (a great example of a series that fits is Beyer Beware’s hunk of meat Monday)
- Bring posts back up when makes sense (for instance @GilmerDairy had #moo post back out on first anniversary because lots of people had joined Twitter since #moo trended)
I met Will Gilmer aka @GilmerDairy about the time of the anniversary. 🙂
- Know what’s available (from host, Google webmaster, etc)
- Watch to see what is working (some days get better traction, publish key posts those days)
- Play around with keywords at times
A Few WordPress Specific Tips
- Go to “tools” and use them
- Use “press this” on WordPress on your toolbar to highlight & amplify news (find it in settings for writing to add it to your toolbar)
- Post by email or phone lets you do something simple while you are on the go
- Apps available for mobile devices are useful, use for simple posts or drafts for posts with more formatting.
Recent #BlogChat
A month or so ago, there was a #BlogChat on things we wish we had known when we started blogging. I thought that could be helpful to some new bloggers and I saved my tweets.
Good one! MT @CTrappe: Give photos, etc., descriptive names so you can find them later. Dont save as PHOTO1 #blogchat
I wish I’d known from the start to go self-hosted. At the time free sounded good but later it was a hassle to move #blogchat
I wish I had also taken more time to think about what I’d blog about & be more selective setting up categories #blogchat
Another thing I wish I’d known? How to network with other bloggers, but folks in #blogchat already see that LOL #blogchat
RT @DigitalMktgGirl: I wish someone would have told me that it’s not just about content. It has to be easy to navigate! #blogchat
one of the networking things I didn’t know too RT @ChloeJeffreys: I should have been a better commenter on other peoples blogs.#blogchat
Wish I had known how important posting consistency was. I really was haphazard at first, consistency later #blogchat
Wish I’d know about smart linking. Used to link to things like “my earlier post” instead of “how cotton is grown” @MackCollier#blogchat
@Yogitastic I have too many categories that I’ve only used a few times. Could have made bigger buckets on some, smaller on other#blogchat
Yeah, what you said RT @MackCollier: @JPlovesCOTTON You mean linking to descriptive terms to tell Google what the link is about? #blogchat
I think its interesting that looking through the tweets some make me think “that was me” others I think “lucky I avoided that” #blogchat
Wish I’d known that simple promo like email signatures, blog business cards, etc could really help gain audience #blogchat
Wish I had known that the quickly written posts “in the heat of the moment” can be the most well-received. #blogmore #blogchat
I wish I had a clue about how much people search the internet for the basics on cotton (my niche) Took a while to learn that #blogchat
Still more 🙂 RT @wordwhacker: And then more still. RT@CollinKromke: Learn as much as you can about SEO. Then learn some more. #blogchat
YES! I do! RT @BeckyMcCray: When I started blogging, I wish Id known where to go looking for other bloggers. Follow smart people.#blogchat
Took a while to learn if embedding a video I should put enough text there for search engines to know what is in the post #blogchat
wish I’d known how many family members & friends would find it interesting (personal blog so that’s a good thing LOL) #blogchat
simplicity rocks RT @AllieRambles: Have a good URL that is not trendy, too long or misunderstood, I made that mistake. #blogchat
@StephLibo make sure your comments and tweets aren’t all about you — make them mostly about others #blogchat
BIG ONE!!! RT @DebWeinstein: Advice from #SOcialceo @AVV — Dont feed the trolls. #blogchat
Really like @Quora RT @DigitalMktgGirl: Using Quora for blog ideas has been the best thing Ive discovered since I began blogging#blogchat
@wendypgreene it is one outlet for writing, also important to network, listen, etc #blogchat
Yes. Have seen folks burned RT @wordwhacker: IMPORTANT: Own your blog. Own your URL. Its the only thing on the Web you can own. #blogchat
Important point RT @AllieRambles: Never, ever steal content or images. If you use someone elses stuff reference them. #blogchat
RT @MattLBrennan: Agreed! RT @wordwhacker: Your best blog investment? A phone with a good camera. ABS = Always be shooting. #blogchat
RT @problogger: #9 Do GOOD with your Blog (make the world a better place than when you found it)#ThingsIWishIdKnownWhenIStarted #blogchat
Everyone, don’t forget these great minds tweet all week, give the folks you listened to a follow #gettingmyfollowonnow 🙂 #blogchat
What do you think beginning bloggers should know?
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Love it!!!! I take all the help I can get 🙂
Thanks Janice, hope you are having a blast I’m NOLA….have a beignet for me!!!!
Had a great time. Glad you enjoyed the post!
I have bookmarked this post, thank you for the love Janice. I had a blast.
Thanks for the compliment Whitney! See ya next month!
This is a very helpful post with lost of great information. Thank you so much for sharing this and for visiting my blog, I appreciate it.
Thanks! I really love how helpful the blogging community is… so many people are generous with time, ideas, etc that it keeps me going! Have to do my part and pay it forward too.
amazing blog – like an amusement park ride . . . Wheee!
All great tips! I love the idea of a series too. I am going to have to swing by and read A thru Z!
Thanks for putting all of these great tips in one place! It is now in my AgBlog bookmark folder. 🙂
Glad it was helpful! I have other social media stuff on here as well — just at the top of the page in a black menu bar is the heading “social media” that will help you scroll through some of those. 🙂
Just read this… nice. Good advice and I liked the tweets at the end!
Thanks! Years of participating in #blogchat and working on my own blog have given me a few ideas…. one of the best that has been solidifed for me is sharing ideas makes them stronger as people can add to them!