As much as I love food and travel, the combination of both of those things is certainly peak experience for me. Because I travel with friends or family who may live local and going solo, it can be totally simple to find small local restaurants abroad at times when a guide who knows me is helping host or it can… Read More
Memories Spurred by an Espresso Cup and Saucer
This morning as I reached for a bowl for my oatmeal, my eyes lingered on an espresso cup and saucer that stays in my tiny kitchen cabinet despite the fact I don’t drink espresso. Many times I have thought I probably could make better use of the cabinet space. You probably think it would take a really ornate piece of… Read More
V is for Viticulture — Cultivating Grapes for Wine Making
Viticulture is another one of the words that I think may not be familiar to everyone but if you drink wine, you should be really happy that viticulture exists because in a nutshell viticulture is “the cultivation or culture of grapes especially for wine making.” I have to say when I think of viticulture, my mind wanders off to the… Read More
Remembering a Visit to Milan’s Duomo
A couple of years ago, friends and I toured Italy together. Our trip ended in Milan and I was reminded of the spectacular duomo (cathedral) there yesterday. I thought the view of it, especially some of the ones taken on the roof may leave you wordless. [slideshow=postID=12690]
A Weekend’s Work at a Microbrewery — White Dog Beer in Guiglia, Italy
The other night, I went to a local brewpub with friends in California. It made me remember a unique opportunity I had during my last trip to Italy. My friends Kelly & Steve have a microbrewery and they needed a hand — we spent a good part of the weekend sterilizing bottles, bottling beer, labeling and packaging the product. And… Read More
Thanksgiving Traditions Built with Flexibility
What are your Thanksgiving traditions? My family has some incredible traditions and yet we’ve also built in a lot of flexibility! We had a great holiday with several holiday traditions at our table this year: Collection of family and/or friends My mom’s cornbread & biscuit dressing Mom’s fresh cranberry salad Grandmom’s ambrosia (I made it) Deviled eggs Lots of talking… Read More