As many of you know, I took the week of Thanksgiving off to go on a wandering adventure, flying into Portland, Oregon on Saturday, November 17 and winding on vacation in Fresno, California Sunday, November 25.
My trip let me see lots of great folks and lots of things I hadn’t experienced before — many of those were shared on Instagram (my ID is JPlovesCOTTON) as I went. And some have proven very popular on Instagram or Facebook.
Since every picture tells a story, you can tell from these photos that I have lots of stories to tell from my vacation! Which stories would you like to hear first? The photos have really short names. Just hover your mouse over the one or two you are most interested in hearing the tale of, mention those numbers in the comments and I’ll whip some of those up first!
Thanks and I hope your holiday season is off to as great a start as mine!
Oh and the numbers start big and go small!
To see other posts in the series of 30 days of daily blogging, just click on this link or the image at above right. There will be a little of this and a little of that in the series, just like there is in my blog at any time! een
Stories Already Written
I’ve been writing these as well as other pieces…. You can click on the image below to go directly to the story. You can also see them through the OR-CA Roadtrip tag.
#19, 20, 34 make me want to know what that place is. Farm? Winery? How’s you end up there?
#21 I want to know more about the hunters
GREAT! I’m so glad you took time to ask the questions! I will start batting out some blog posts! 🙂
What a great way to give thanks at Thanksgiving time! I am sure visiting different Ag Enterprises and meeting social media connections was an awesome experience.
Here are my picks #1, #45 or 39 (beautiful photos!), Jeff Fowl or Behind the scene of a vineyard.
Love those picks! And its great fun to think about sharing so much of what I learned & saw! This was a start to organizing it but of course I have other things to share too! 🙂
#56 – skateboarder and graffiti…Were you on a board? 🙂 I’m actually always interested in the story behind graffiti…
#4 – green screen, studio audience, behind the scenes – looks interesting…and who’s speaking?
Thanks girl! Will take the skateboarding park soon as well as the green screen peeps!
#45 and #55 … what about that burger and/or that place made you want to take those pictures? And I always love a good story about dogs! 🙂
Ooooh, good stories on both of those! Thanks for the prompters!
Oh I have a few! 9, 11, 15, and 20 – wineries…farms… fascinated 🙂 Then 46 – He looks like he has a great story and 55…. love the collage 🙂 Tell me!
Oh believe me number 46 has a few stories! LOL! Love that you picked the wines as they come with incredible stories too! 15 is a personal favorite…. okay, you see why I needed help choosing what to write about first! On number 20…. those vineyards are actually for raisins — I wrote that one up already will go back in and link the photos I have already done to the post about them. Not sure why I didn’t think of that earlier!
So many great photos and tons of stories to tell! Janice, it looks like you had a blast. So nice to see your smiling face on my computer screen. Hope you’re doing well. 🙂
As I’ve watching your roadtrip photos on your move…. I thought how similar some of our impressions have been. We’re both having a blast!
#35, 23, and 17 — These picks are all sorts of awesome!!
Thanks Makeba! I’ll get on those too!