It has been a little while since I did a post in my social media hero series, but this weekend I was clearly reminded of one I needed to write up. That’s because Danyelle Little and her Show Me the Blog conference has rocked my world again. Yeah, I know I wrote about the conference ahead of time trying to encourage you all to attend, but it seems you weren’t won over by the post. If you don’t want to really regret that, just stop reading now cause you will see you REALLY goofed up!
So who is Danyelle & why is she a hero?
Let me start with how I met her. Last year, as I moved to St. Louis, I took time thinking about how I would meet the kind of folks I enjoy being around. One of the first things I thought of, was connecting to other folks who like to blog. Through a #blogchat connection with Robyn Wright, I found out there was a bloggers’ conference just a few weeks after my move. That was my intro to Show Me the Blog and a year later, I have to say it is probably one of the reasons I feel St. Louis is home. Rocks
Following The Cubicle Chick’s blog or Twitter stream is flat-out fun and you can get some great ideas there too! As you may have guessed, she started the site when she was working a job in a cubicle. Her business sense paid off as she developed the site into a full-time job and created some neat opportunities for herself.
She writes up her thoughts on some of what’s happening in popular culture, health & beauty ideas, tech, fashion (you gotta love some of the outfits this girl pulls together) and more. Yes, she blogs about family too and having met her daughter, affectionally referred to as “the chicklet,” this weekend, I just had to smile. Yes, the “chicklet” also has an incredible zest for life!
Sharing Skills & Knowledge
What in the world would drive an individual to decide to start a blogging conference? When some of us were just thinking about getting started blogging, Danyelle was already looking for a meaningful way to create connections among the St. Louis blogging community. This weekend’s event was the third annual Show Me the Blog. She’s created an event that draws people who are passionate about blogging together and it’s amazing what that creates!
She is open about the experiences that she’s learned from, be they working with a particular brand or finding a way to rank higher with Google. She gets the fact that the best way to be a better blogger is not by competing, but by collaborating with a great community. And because she feels that way, she’s built an incredible community around her of people who also want to help build the community further.
Advancing Community

Mind bollging game night from @TimeToPlay — That’s @UncommonChick who won that round, @IdoNotes & @DrLisaWP
I’m pretty sure that wherever Danyelle goes, she has a community of people even if she’s not met them previously. With the community she’s building in St. Louis and further afield on the national blogging scene, getting those people together is powerful! So while Show Me the Blog St. Louis is a local event, there were lots of participants who traveled in from Atlanta, Chicago, New York and more!
I’ve learned lots about blogging the last several years, but when you are in a room with people this good and this willing to share, you learn a lot in two days! And I have pages of notes to work from. But what was great…. everywhere you went there were smiles. People were happy to be there, happy to offer a few tips when a question was raised and with so many of us having different blogging objectives, you never know when one of us can give another a hand on something. GREAT NETWORKING and friend-making too.
Yep, Danyelle has a solid spot on the list of my social media heroes!
Previous Posts on Social Media Heroes
- Ryan Goodman, Ranchhand & Social Media Hero — Over the past few months, I’ve done several posts about some of my social media heroes. I have a lot more to go. But recently I sat down to write a post for the AgChat Foundation’s website and realized I was writing a lot of the things I should put together explaining why Ryan Goodman, […] Continue Reading
- A Social Media Hero With a HUGE Heart & Great Hugs @JeffPulver of #140Conf — I’ve written about Jeff Pulver before — he’s an integral part of my post about the faces of #140Conf Small Town and Monday’s #140confDM. And while I talk a bit about Jeff in those posts… you don’t really get the feel for the guy cause all of that was within context of the conference and lots […] Continue Reading
- Creating the #BlogChat Community Leads to Hero Status for @MackCollier, Darlin’ — Writing that headline was fun. Blogging and social media have to be fun for me, cause this blog is a personal passion. I have no interest in “monetizing” my blog (I hope all the scammy folks who send weird messages will read that). I have a great job where I get to do communications.This blog […] Continue Reading
The Farmer Who Broke My Twitter Sound Barrier @FarmerHaley — I’ve talked about how I came to be on Twitter before but what happened after I got on…. not sure I could have anticipated that. Within a few months of being on Twitter, the tweeting agricultural community was clearly as a great source of information for me. I can still remember when I broke the […] Continue Reading
- Who Convinced Me To Sign Up For Twitter? @Kath_Manning That’s Who — In doing this series highlighting some of my social media heroes, its hard to decide what helps someone reach true hero status. But its clear to me, that one of my colleagues, Kathleen Manning aka @Kath_Manning has to be on the list. Its really pretty funny to think about that first day so long ago. […] Continue Reading
- Social Media Hero, Farmer & Blogging Coach Judi Graff aka @farmnwifeA lot of the people who are involved in agriculture and who write blogs will probably recognize the social media hero I want to highlight this week. It’s Judi Graff aka @FARMnWIFE. There are a lot of reasons she is a social media hero to various people, but I get to make the list so […] Continue Reading
- Who Are My Social Media Heroes? Hero #1 is @ArveyColumbus — Recently, my friend Cheri Albritton (Twitter’s @ArveyColumbus) wrote a blog post asking if you are a social media hero in the making. She was nice enough to point to me in her post. That was awesome to see pop up in my email! I decided to do at least a short series of posts highlighting […] Continue Reading
Who are your social media heroes?
More on Show Me the Blog St. Louis
- Recap: Show Me the Blog Conference 2012: Learning Growing & Connecting One Year Later (
- Monday Motivation: Show Me The Blog St. Louis = Amazeballs (
- Show Me the Blog 3.0 (
Yes, she is… fun times!
Sure was great meeting you! I will shout when I head to Chicago.
What a great post about Danyelle! She’s certainly deserving of it. 🙂 Love that pic of us. Would you mind tweeting that to me?
So great meeting you this weekend!
Indeed she is! The photo has been tweeted 🙂 Look forward to catching you along the way some other time!
I met Danyelle at the first Show Me the Blog conference. She was busy running to and fro trying to keep everything running and take care of all the things that came up – little and big. I remember sitting there thinking “I complain about being too busy to squeeze in more writing, and look what SHE is doing!”
And the conference is just full of ambitious people who are smart and driven. They raise the bar for all of us and I love that most about the conference.
Danyelle takes away any pathetic excuses I may have for why I, myself, am not doing more with my writing or pursuing my dreams. And if she does that for many of us, then she is indeed a Social Media Hero at large!
LOL! It is a good grounding moment to see what all she is up to and well as the people she attracts to be involved. I think that’s what I’ve really enjoyed about SMBSTL & blogchat. Everyone “gets it” that helping raise one up helps raise the community…. we can all do better by working together. Great meeting you & looking forward to grabbing lunch sometime!
Uh oh, look who made a cameo appearance on your blog – little ‘ol me! 😉
Yes, Danyelle ROCKS and I’m glad to have met you through her! *hugs*
Look forward to hanging out with you more too!
Uh oh! How’d I let that sneak through 😉 Girl you rock it! We’ll have some fun soon no doubt!
I absolutely agree with you — Danyelle is downright awesome!! 🙂
Yes she is!