I bet all the talk this week about Norman Borlaug this week has been a bit hard for some to understand. And I think maybe I got caught up in the buzz and didn’t step back and really explain why I would have such awes of a man I never met. If you aren’t sure what the buzz is about,… Read More
Can you sit idly by & see population grow faster than food production?
This week I have been in Mexico celebrating the contributions of a man named Norman Borlaug, who was the father of the green revolution, and meeting the scientists who want to get us to the next level. This video is a great way to communicate what’s up. There are lots of ways to help with the issue and it feels… Read More
Remembering Norman Borlaug and Looking to the Future
Tomorrow, March 26th I have the incredible pleasure of joining a celebration of one of the greatest men who graced the planet — Norman Borlaug. And although Penn Jillette is funny playing a card game comparing the best humans have lived, he is dead serious when he knows he has found the ultimate trump card — the one of Norman…. Read More
B is for Borlaug — an A to Z Series about Agriculture
Wow. I’m already having a really tough time picking out which word to go with even though I limited myself to agricultural words. The leading candidates for today were: Bales! I have to love that Eileen Crosby went for the sentimental favorite highlighting my love of cotton & the way it is packaged for transportation and storage. Bacon is a… Read More
A is for Agriculture — an A to Z Series about Agriculture
A month or so ago, I saw something about the A to Z Challenge and decide to learn more. It is a challenge where you sign up to write 26 posts in the month of April. You get Sunday’s off but otherwise everyday is a letter of the alphabet starting today Monday, April 1 with the letter A. I decided… Read More