I did a blogging challenge called A to Z where bloggers are challenged to take each letter of the alphabet and write a post about it each day taking off Sundays to rest. My agriculture A to Z was ambitious and exhausting but I’m really proud of it! This is a look at the posts I wrote during the month with links out so you can learn more on the topics you are most interested in.
A is for Agriculture — an Agriculture A to Z Series
B is for Borlaug — an A to Z Series about Agriculture
C is for Cotton — an A to Z Series about Agriculture
D is for Debt (Farm Debt) — an A to Z Series about Agriculture
E is for Elevator — an A to Z Series about Agriculture
F is for Farmer! — An A to Z Challenge in Agriculture
G is for GMOs — What are GMOs & Why Do Farmers Plant GMO Crops?
H is for Hay — An A to Z about Agriculture
I is for Irrigation — Water Use & Conservation on the Farm
J is for Juggling — Juggling Roles is Really Common in Rural Areas & Small Towns
K is for Kale — Kale is a Winter Crop & a Power Food
L is for Loam, Love Great Loam Soils
M is for Moo! Why do cows moo? My A to Z Challenge on Agriculture
N is for Nutrients — Nutrients Are So Critical in Agriculture
O is for Olive — Insight on California Olive Production VIDEO
P is for Prairie & Growing Pinto Beans on the North Dakota Prairie
Since I was traveling again this week, I got behind again…. so I am going to catch up somewhat quickly. P is for prairie today, because I was traveling through a bit of prairie over the last few days. A lot of us have heard of prairies and may even get a photo in mind. We […]Continue Reading
Fiber Quality Testing on Every Bale of US Cotton VIDEO
When I was thinking about doing this, it was letters like Q, X and Z that made me wonder if I could really do it. The video I shot as I showed a friend around Memphis came to mind quickly. Although Steve had worked in cotton for years off and on, seeing how cotton was […] Continue Reading
R is for Reading — Must Reads for the Farm, Agricultural Magazines & Books
I know this is not expected and I had several other words that I was going to use, but then I went to Amazon and realized that every one the suggestions for me was an agriculture-related book or movie. Growing up city, I had no clue about how much studying there was to do and how […] Continue Reading
S is for Seed — It All Starts with a Seed
T is for Tillage — Understanding “When tillage begins, other arts will follow.”
U is for Urban Agriculture — Growing More Food in the City
Urban agriculture. I can’t imagine many people used that phrase 20 years ago but it is certainly a phrase that is growing in prominence. And I think its awesome! The more ways we connect ourselves to the production of food — both in the city and the countryside — the more we will appreciate the […] Continue Reading
V is for Viticulture — Cultivating Grapes for Wine Making
W is for Wheat — Semolina Can Get Chefs Talking Wheat
X is for Xylem — Plants have vascular systems? And with xylem in them?
Y is for Yams or Are They Sweet Potatoes? What’s the Difference Anyway?
Z is for Zoonoses — Zoonoses Isn’t Something Farmers Can Laugh About
Lessons Learned Through My Blogging Challenge, an A to Z on Agriculture
I have done a few different blogging and social media challenges in the past couple of years, but have to say the A to Z Challenge may have been the toughest! And even though someone has suggested that I should start again with AA and BB, I’m taking a break from the series — at […] Continue Reading