One of the real passions for me is travel and I’ve had some incredible opportunities to enjoy great people & places! While I don’t get to do that everyday, I love putting together info on the trips and have done that here for the trips I have taken since I started the blog. You can find them and a lot of other travel stuff through that category on the blog but I thought it would be good to I have also taken incredible trips pre-blog that I haven’t necessarily written about here…. But I love talking about these trips too so I’m putting together a map in hopes somebody will see this and ask me questions about some of my travels that will help me get a trip top of mind and to the fingertips!
In case the map doesn’t tell you clearly…. I’ve done pretty well in the Northern Hemisphere. Since I live in the United States, I’ve seen it (actually, I’ve gotten to see a lot of the US in fact in 2015 I plan to get to the last state on my list!). I’ve also seen the US neighbors Mexico and Canada though I have seen so little it’s a little embarassing. Those two countries need to be done much better! Other countries I have traveled to (with varied amounts of exploration from intense to not enough) include: Austria, Belgium, China, The Czech Republic, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, The Netherlands / Holland, The Philippines, Russia, Thailand and Turkey. Yes, I have a huge gap in that I haven’t been to the Southern Hemisphere. That’s one of the things I need to fix in the near future. 🙂
Budapest/Prague (November 2016)
How I Ended Up in Budapest for My Birthday (Video) — Those of you who have read the blog frequently may remember a few birthdays I have had. I try to make them truly memorable and frequently find myself embarking on an adventure of one sort or another. Last year was seeing my 50th state from a helicopter, the year before I went to the White […]
A Once-in-a-Lifetime Opera Experience in Prague — When it comes to amazing experiences, sometimes you try to plan everything to the nth degree and other times you do a few things and the rest just fall into place. My trip to Prague was punctuated by an amazing experience on my final night in town.
Things to Consider if You Are Buying a New Travel Backpack — Recently I decided to get myself backpack travel ready again. It has been a few years since I’ve packed for trips in a backpack, in part because I usually travel for business and it seems I can secure business clothes better in a roller bag. But it is also because my big travel backpack suffered a fatal blow on a trip.
Visited all 50 US States! (completed November 2015)

Visiting All 50 States by the Time I am 50! DONE! — I don’t remember my parents at the age of 50 exactly, but I do remember thinking 50 sounded really old for a long time. It no longer sounds that old and that has been shifting over the years but today I am turning 50. That almost feels like someone is pranking me! A milestone like that needed to be marked appropriately!
My 50th Birthday was So Memorable! Helicopter VIDEO — I traveled to my 50th state — Utah! — to celebrate my 50th birthday. Sure that is a lot of celebration, but I decided to take it up another notch — you know, go big or go home. I decided to do a helicopter tour of Bryce Canyon National Park and wow… that’s a way to go!
Turkey (May/June 2015)
A Q&A About Hot Air Balloon Rides — As I’ve shared photos and a few stories about hot air balloon rides, I’ve also gotten a few questions here and there. I thought doing a short Q&A post may be helpful since some of the questions are quick details that didn’t necessarily fit in the other posts.
You Can Learn A Lot from a Hot Air Balloon Ride (Video) — It has taken me longer to tell my tales of my Turkish vacation than I intended but I have to admit, ding this post now was probably just what I needed! I wrote a post about my uncertainty about doing a hot air balloon ride but I want to assure you that it was a truly amazing experience!
Celebrating a Turkish Wedding (VIDEO) — As I mentioned in a couple of the other posts about my vacation to Turkey, one of the catalysts for going was that a friend was getting married. I had said years ago I would come to his wedding and when he mentioned last summer he would be getting married this summer, well, I loved being part of the occassion!
Scared of Heights Taking Hot Air Balloon Flights (Video) — As a kid, my fear of heights occasionally made me pass on opportunities for adventure. As an adult, it has been a struggle that I have tried to manage. There are a few points when my fear of heights have stood out.
It’s Time for an Ice Cream Cone! And Show from Turkey (Video) — After lots of rain, it looks like St. Louis is finally going to get some sun. Add to that it is National Dairy Month, and ice cream or frozen custard (think Ted Drewe’s) HAVE to come to mind! I love an ice cream cone now and then. That made me remember how fun ice cream is in Turkey!
Finding Peace & Quiet in Cappadocia’s Red Valley (Video) — As I mentioned in my first post on Cappadocia, although I was on a tour with a great group of people, I passed on a hike through the Red Valley. I found it hard to imagine. I paid good money to go on a tour. The tour guide was awesome. The place fantastic.
Cappadocia. The Destination in Turkey I Dreamed About — As I planned my trip, I was able to add to my itinerary one of the parts of Turkey that I missed on my first trek over — Cappadocia which is also spelled Kapadokya at times. And as friends would ask what I was going to do in Turkey for two weeks, I kept bringing up this place and nobody knew what I was talking about.
Great Food & People Watching on Istanbul’s Nevizade (VIDEO) — I got into Istanbul on a Thursday night, spent all day traveling around the city seeing sights like the Hagia Sophia and then we took a break in order to get ready for a late dinner. I’ll admit that since I hadn’t slept on the flight over and I crashed so hard Thursday night. I thought about being lazy but thankfully friends had other ideas!
Visiting the Hagia Sophia — the Cradle of Byzantine Religion (Photos) — I hope you are enjoying the posts from my trip to Turkey! I have been having fun flipping through photos and thinking about the various experiences. Today, I want to share about my visit to the Hagia Sophia, the church that was the center for Orthodox Christians for centuries.
Can I Travel Two Weeks Without Telling the World Where I Am? (VIDEO) — People who know me well know I share a lot about what I am up to…. where I am traveling, what I am eating, who I am catching up with and all of that. Even the company president laughs at the idea I would ever try.
Montana Roadtrip (September 2014)
Bozeman, Montana — Day 5 of My Great American Roadtrip Video — One of the biggest reasons I took my big Labor Day roadtrip this year was I had never been to Montana. As much as I travel, I only have a few US states left to visit and my friend Jude has been pushing me to see her current home state. It seemed like as good […]
- Cateye Cafe Brunch in Bozeman, Montana — As I post this, folks in Bozeman, Montana are likely shivering…. or at least I would be if I were there! But I was in Montana a few days around Labor Day (it was my great american roadtrip!) and had the chance to enjoy some beautiful weather and fantastic food too! Decided that to get […]
- Day 4 Part 2: Touring Yellowstone National Park (Video) — It’s been a busy week! Need to do better on sharing posts cause I have so many things I want to share from my great American roadtrip. And to think we only got the half of day 4 — me checking out the area before and in Grand Teton National Park, The second half of […]
- Day 4 Part 1: Getting to and Touring Grand Teton National Park (Video) — Funny that it is beginning to seem like one day on my great American roadtrip requires one week in the real world for me to get it written, photos & video put together, etc. Some days were so heavy on photos, that it is a major time commitment. It should be no surprise that would […]
- My Great American Roadtrip Day 3 Driving through Wyoming (Video) — I have gotten a bit busy and haven’t kept up with the videos & posts from my great American roadtrip the way I wanted to, but I decided I really wanted to pull from all the cameras, video, etc. And then I get caught up in looking at all of the detail & reliving the […]
- My Great American Roadtrip — Day 2 Nebraska including the State Fair (Video) — I did so many things on my roadtrip and saw so many sights that I have to say it will take me more time to get each day put together for the blog! Today’s post is about my second day of the trip — a day that started in Lincoln, Nebraska on the far eastern […]
- Great American Roadtrip Day 1 — St Louis, MO to Lincoln, NE — As I mentioned in a post earlier this week, I recently went on the great American roadtrip! Day 1 was Friday. I got up reasonably early and got the car packed before I went to work for a half day. Packing for the Roadtrip Packing for a roadtrip is tough. Because you are in a car, […]
Thinking About the Great American Roadtrip — Americans have an affinity for the roadtrip. The freedom of the road has such a mystique to it that books, movies and music have all included it as a central theme. But what makes a roadtrip better than normal travel? What takes a roadtrip from normal to the “Great American Roadtrip?” I’ve been weighing that […]
My Dakota Vacation (September 2013)
- P is for Prairie & Growing Pinto Beans on the North Dakota Prairie — Since I was traveling again this week, I got behind again…. so I am going to catch up somewhat quickly. P is for prairie today, because I was traveling through a bit of prairie over the last few days. A lot of us have heard of prairies and may even get a photo in mind. We […]
M is for Moo! Why do cows moo? — I’ve had lots of cow-related suggestions for the A to Z series — so many that I think some friends may do a whole cattle series next year! Just think, there is alfalfa, beef, cheese, dairy, etc. but I decided to go for a simple word on cows and its probably the first thing I […]
Learning About Sunflowers Right From the Farmer — I’ve made it clear that I love sunflowers before…. in fact, one of the photos I’ve long used for avatars on social media is of me surrounded by sunflowers. They are incredibly picturesque. I have friends in Memphis who get photos in front of sunflowers in full bloom each year. But I have to wonder […]
- Parenting on the Prairie Photos from my Dakota Vacation — I’ve been putting together posts about my visit to the Dakotas (North Dakota and South Dakota) and I keep seeing photos of great families. Parents having time with their kids — whether it was getting them ready for school or bed, putting dinner on the table or making smores, doing their hair or the family […]
Weaning Calves on the Hadricks’ South Dakota Ranch VIDEO — I’ve been wondering how I would find a way to get to Troy & Stacy Hadrick’s place on the prairie for years. I met Troy on Twitter forever ago and started catching him as a variety of meetings here & there almost three years ago. Hearing his stories and meeting Stacy a bit later, I […]
Oregon-California Roadtrip (November 2012)
I wrote a good bit about this trip, so much so I settled on the OR-CA Roadtrip tag for the posts! All the post headlines and some selected text and photos appear below. Hope you find some of interest!
- A Progressive Vacation & Absolute Flexibility in #Travel — The past few weeks have been more than a bit rushed. I have had a lot of places to be and a lot of things to do. It seems like things were just spiraling out of control. All I could think is vacation will be here soon enough. It’s a vacation I have “planned” for […]
Every Picture Tells a Story — Raisin Farms in the San Joaquin Valley — I love that people are willing to help me figure out which stories to share first from the adventures I had in Oregon and California! The first person to reply to my request for opinions was a fellow blogger here in St. Louis!

What’s your favorite cheese? & Some of My Cheese-Related Travel — My Recent Cheesy Travel Did you know it I haven’t gotten as many of the new food polls up as I had hoped, but I have lots of ideas so I will be continuing it just may not be quite weekly. Since June is National Dairy Month, I thought I’d go with the theme and poll
Historic Main Street in Jacksonville, Oregon (photo post)
Touring a Sawmill in Northern California VIDEO — One of the more unique stops during my trip through Oregon and California this winter, thanks to my Twitter friend Mark Lathrop aka Twitter’s @SustainableWood, was a visit to a saw mill in Anderson, California. The only other time I had seen a sawmill, was a very small one in India without many modern technologies.
Wordless Memories of Waterfalls Near Portland, OR — Still remembering my Thanksgiving vacation aka my OR-CA Roadtrip! So many great days and great people. This was a day spent with a college friend & his family near Portland, Oregon. Some incredible waterfalls! The first one is a series called Wahkeena Falls and the bigger one is Multnomah Falls.

What’s up with that green screen? Who’s talking about what? — One of the photos I took while I was in California was in a TV studio. I have to admit it stood out quite a bit in the set of photos I asked people to prioritize blog content. And that led Lakeshia Brown (check out her blog Uncommon Chick) to ask, what was up and who
A Great Cheeseburger in Downtown Portland & A Bloody Mary Bar — I love writing posts in reply to someone’s interest and this last vacation spurred great photos that seem to be generating a few questions! This photo got my friend Marjory and fellow blogger Danielle of Extraordinary Mommy to ask what the story was.

- Top 10 Reasons to Watch This Video of Bboy Climbing a Coconut Tree — Okay, I could just say everyone should watch this video! And yes, the photo I put in here shows Bboy having cut a coconut and beginning his one-handed descent! Unbelievable. Really. But for fun, you really need to watch this video if you see yourself in any of the following: You’ve ever wondered how interesting […] Continue Reading
- My Vacation to The Philippines Included Ag Stuff (Yes, I’m a Farm Geek) — (First in a series of posts about things I got to experience in the Philippine agricultural scene recently I’m not sure how many there will be yet… Guess we will see.) I’m really quite lucky. I’ve had the opportunity to combine vacation travel in a few countries with a short side trip or two to […] Continue Reading
- Getting Your Word Out Globally Without Global Costs — In my most recent post about “rice world,” I gave a quick view of my visit at the International Rice Research Institute. Since I was going there with a couple of PhDs in plant breeding, I anticipated meeting with scientists (which was exactly what happened in a few other Los Banos institutes)! But I was […] Continue Reading
- How many kinds of rice do you know?— It’s amazing to me how many kinds of rice there are. I racked my brain trying to think of the ones I could name last week & came up REALLY SHORT! Long-grain rice is probably what I know best cause it’s what most of the farmers I know grow. Varieties like cypress, some of the […] Continue Reading
A February Field Day? Love the Veggies! — My friends fall into two lots — those who hear the word field day and think of something that happens in the spring to get kids playing outside in a series of challenges from soccer drills to softball and those who are ready to look at acres of food, feed, fiber sources and hear what […] Continue Reading
- Getting My Bearings on The Philippines Central Plains — Another post in my series on Philippine agriculture — this one includes the basics of the Central Plains. As I mentioned before, the host for part of my vacation owns a seed company in The Philippines. We were excited to be going to a field day his company was hosting. I didn’t know what the […] Continue Reading
- Public Plant Breeding in the Philippines — Plant breeding was one of those fields of study & science that I hadn’t given much thought to til I was older than I’d like to admit, especially since some of my closest friends are plant breeders these days! My friend Albert had worked at The Philippines National Institute for Plant Breeding (IPB) in Los […] Continue Reading
Israel (May 2011)
A New Perspective While Watching Events in Israel on CNN in the Atlanta Airport — Today was one of those days where I spent my layover time in Atlanta. That’s not that rare nor is it for me to halfway listen to the news broadcast on CNN at the gates. However, today, I suddenly stood up looking for the speaker. The anchor was saying something about Israel and the West […] Continue Reading
- Fishing the Sea of Galilee (Israel) Wordless Wednesday — Last Wednesday I was cruising around Israel’s Sea of Galilee, a body of water I had heard about all my life through Sunday school and other church activities. It was a great day. the final steps of the boat ride included one of the guys on the boat asking if we’d like to see if […] Continue Reading
- Top 20 Biblical / Religious Sites In Israel Seen During My Recent Vacation — Everyday in Israel we saw fairly incredible places and most, if not all, related to the Bible in one way or another. But narrowing that list down to 20 sites that really grabbed my attention may be hard and I have to say before I even start that prioritizing the list will likely prove impossible […]Continue Reading
Why do they call the Dead Sea the “dead” sea? What makes it unique? — The Jordan River goes down from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea. It seems to take all the salts in the earth along with it and has for so long according to our guide. And since the Dead Sea has no tributaries leading out of the body of water, the deposits all end […] Continue Reading
- A Couple of Uniquely Beautiful Weddings I Attended this Summer — If you’ve made it to mid-July without attending a wedding, you may want to check and see what’s going on in your world. It seems there is always a wedding to catch in the summer. I had two really different weddings in the past month or so and thought since I had video of both, […] Continue Reading
- What Grows in Israel’s West Bank? — Recently, I wrote a blog post about the great agricultural production regions in central & northern Israel, we left those places and headed south along the eastern edge of the country along the Jordan River. The landscape changed dramatically as we went south. We were lucky to have a guide had pointed out that the […] Continue Reading
- Great Food & Restaurants Easy to Find in Israel — One of the first questions I seem to get when I travel overseas is about the food, usually as simple as “What is the food like there?” Sometimes more about “What kind of places did you eat in?” And that’s a question I always enjoy talking through because so far, everywhere I’ve traveled has had […] Continue Reading
- What’s the Deal with Coffee in Israel? Travel & a Twitter Discussion Fuel a Wordfilled Wednesday — A Twitter Discussion Prompts a Wordfilled Wednesday Tuesday morning came and I published one of the blog posts I had worked up about my trip to Israel. It wasn’t too much longer before I got this tweet from my friend Katie Pinke (of Pinke Post fame): Continue Reading
- Agricultural Production in Israel’s Coastal Plains & the Galilee Region — It happens to me everywhere I go, no matter what I mean to do. Somehow, the very presence of farms draws my attention from anything else. My first visit to agricultural production in the Mediterranean was by car with a dear friend who was showing me around Turkey. The bazillion questions I asked him and […] Continue Reading